How to Use the Law of Attraction for Better Productivity

While there are still law-of-attraction skeptics who categorize manifestation as pseudo-science (I’ve read some productivity books by a few of these skeptics), there’s growing research and scientific evidence that shows that our intentions and view of the world play a big role in our overall productivity and success.

The Law of Attraction is the idea that what you put out into the world is what you will get back in return. Like attracts like. So, if you focus on positive outcomes, that’s what you’ll experience. If you focus on all that could go wrong, that will be what you will experience.

It comes down to what we truly want at an unconscious level. If we truly believe in our own success, we’ll see the universe provide opportunities that help us reach our goals. If we harbor fear, resentment, or a lack of belief in ourselves, we’ll more than likely experience a lot of work without much success. 

So, how can we use the law of attraction for better productivity and goal success? Here are three strategies to get your mind and the universe in alignment.

The Mental Rehearsal

One of the most powerful tools for clarity, motivation, and manifestation is a mental rehearsal. This is simply creating a movie in your mind of you achieving your goal. This has been a strategy used for years by elite athletes. Before swimming the race or stepping onto the court, athletes will visualize each piece of the event in as much detail as possible. They’ll execute that turn, that shot with perfection. The ball will go through the hoop or past the opponent. They’ll finish the race as winners feeling all of the emotions that come with success. Then, when it comes time for the actual event, their brain has an easier time executing that goal…because in their mind, they’ve already done it.

Our brains behave in a similar way when we witness an action or emotion from another person. It’s called a mirror neuron. Through witnessing others’ experiences, we can learn skills and better understand emotions. Click here for more about the studies done on mirror neurons.

Through a mental rehearsal, we are training our brains on how to achieve our goals, even if we aren’t really sure about how to reach them. By providing the outcome and what we know about getting there, our problem-solving brain will start filling in the details. The more we rehearse our goal, the clearer and clearer that pathway becomes. The more it feels like an inevitable reality, because--to our brains--it is.

On an energetic level, as we practice our mental rehearsals, we put our intentions out into the universe. Through the law of attraction, we then begin to see doorways open and coincidences appear that help us toward our goals. Maybe it’s a contact in a certain industry that we happen to meet. Maybe the perfect venue opens up or a partnership emerges.

The more we can visualize and articulate what it is that we want, the easier it is to see the steps to get there, remain motivated, and appreciate our progress.

For more on mental rehearsals, click here.

A Gratitude Practice

Our brains are problem solvers. They like to look to the past and the future to learn and plan. It can be tough to stop, witness, and appreciate the exact moment you are in. Simply taking a few moments each day to be in the present and show gratitude for the now can have a huge impact on your overall mental state, and as a result, your productivity.

Always say 'yes' to the present moment... Surrender to what is. Say 'yes' to life - and see how life starts suddenly to start working for you rather than against you.

-Eckhart Tolle

A simple, daily gratitude practice can shift your outlook on life, lower your stress, and give you clarity around the next right step for you. It allows you to trust that the universe is here to support you in your goals. Energetically, it raises your vibrational level so that you are more open and receptive to what the universe has to offer you.

With our minds on the future all of the time, we get so bogged down in the details. We lose sight of our overall goal. And when we aren’t sure of the “how” for each step to reach our goals, we become discouraged, demotivated, negative in our thoughts, and slow down or stop our progress to our goals.

By showing gratitude for the present moment, we release all of that anxiety and negativity. We can trust that the “how” will present itself at the right time. We simply trust ourselves and the universe to guide us in the right direction. 

So, I would encourage you to find a time each day to simply sit and find 5 things to be grateful for. It doesn’t have to be complicated--just whatever pops into your mind. Maybe it’s the sound of the wind in the trees. Maybe it’s the smell of coffee. Maybe it's the knowledge that your family is healthy and happy. Try to be in the moment and appreciate all that’s happening for you right now. See the impact this has on your outlook and productivity for the day. It’s pretty remarkable.

A Growth Mindset

Life happens. Things disrupt our plans. Obstacles block our path. It all comes down to how we CHOOSE to respond to these events that makes the difference for whether we succeed or not. 

Carol Dweck is a pioneer researcher on mindset and motivation. Her concept of a “growth mindset” is key in using the law of attraction for better productivity. To break it down, someone with a growth mindset believes that no matter the situation, they can learn, grow, and overcome. Their talents, skills, and intelligence are not fixed; they can be developed. In the face of an obstacle, they know that they can find a way to succeed. It’s that continued problem-solving and positivity that attract solutions and success.

One of my goal-setting paradigms is “goals are flexible and changeable.” So often, I see people shy away from setting goals for fear that they won’t be able to follow through. They don’t want to set themselves up to fail, after all. But, our goals aren’t set in stone. In the beginning, we can’t see every step of our journey to our goal as it will play out. The “how” is usually uncovered along the way. Processes that look good on paper don’t always pan out in reality.

That’s where a growth mindset comes in. If we are prepared to learn, adapt, and grow as we go along, we are better able to maintain that motivation and optimism when things come out of left field.

Energetically, if we look for ways to learn, understand, and explore new possibilities, those teachers, mentors, and opportunities will show up. It’s simply our job to recognize the help when it presents itself and make use of it.


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