Goal Setting: Bringing In the Feminine (video training)

Does the idea of setting goals have you running in the opposite direction? Maybe you have set goals and structure for yourself in the past, and it felt a bit stifling and unrealistic? Maybe you love the freedom of going with the flow, but you tend to feel more like you're swimming in circles?

Been there. Not a fun place to be.

What if, instead, you could set intuitive goals with ease? What about getting the most from your time without feeling like a slave to a schedule?

Sound good? Then this workshop is for you.

During this workshop, you will:
-uncover your heart-centered goals through visualization & intuition
-learn how to create a schedule based on your energy cycles
-walk away with the tools to manage your time in a way that works for you

This workshop is made possible and accessible to all with a voluntary contribution (click here or the button below to contribute ).

Thank you to Catherine Gagnon & Dana Pierce of Our Tribe for the opportunity to deliver this workshop!

UPDATE: Due to the request from the Goal Setting: Bringing In the Feminine workshop for a way to track individual energy patterns, I’ve created The Daily Energy Tracker Template. Click the button below to download the PDF.


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